ANIMA+D | Work areas | Our Means | Experience | Members
The team of ANIMA+D has prepared a catalogue of the tools used in the observation and analysis of media communication, in the development of research projects in social communication, as well as in the most common procedures in the use of qualitative and quantitative data.
We have also analysed the fundamentals of specialised journalism and the work methods that these professionals use. We have empirically examined the journalistic information related with the integration in the European Union and the lack of communication of its objectives and processes. We have put forward different proposals to improve the journalistic contents related with Community issues.
In recent researches, we have broken down the categories of female stereotypes in the Spanish media (press, television and advertising). This quantitative and qualitative analysis has made evident the persistence of discriminatory images and has alerted about its social influence. It has given rise as well to a recommendation protocol aimed to the media to overcome the deficiencies detected in daily journalistic practice.
ANIMA+D has developed a pioneering research in Spain about the influence of informative contents and their perception by children. The research describes the children’s subjective experience regarding audiovisual journalistic information, the impact of its violent contents and the effect of images of catastrophes on children’s imagination. A recommendation decalogue for the treatment of violence in television has been proposed.
We have evaluated the efficiency of the measures promoting technological change in the autonomous region of Valencia, within the framework of Infoville Project, the way Internet has been introduced on the user’s life and the impact of Internet in society. In this sense, we have offered administrative solutions to promote this kind of modernization proposals or planned social change.
The study of vertical and horizontal communicative patterns of Spanish Party organizations has also attracted the attention of the members of this team with the purpose of determining the interrelation of factors determining political loyalty or party desertion of the Members of Parliament. This work gave rise to a series of implications, contrastable with the political and cultural situation of our country, essential to understand the parliamentary irreverence affairs.
The study of journalistic genres is also an object of interest for our Group. We have gone deeply into the report genre –in all its aspects– and its style possibilities, as well as the adaptations it undergoes nowadays in the press and the new media in order to systematize its appeal to the public and its configuration as incentive for the consumption of information.
We look for empiric answers to the contradictions between the political reality and the assumptions about the direct influence of the media, as it became patently clear in the proposal for explaining the absence of connection between ideology and press consumption in the Basque Country. The research investigates why, whereas nationalism is the dominant ideology, the way of thinking proposed by the most spreaded newspapers is clearly against this stance.
We have analysed the colour use in the main newspapers of national circulation as first order functional element in the design of the journalistic message. The obtained results show that the Spanish Press is extremely austere and that certain improvements on colour use will increase the appeal, interest and dynamism, apart from significantly contribute to improve the informative quality.